Journey to Baby Walker after Kidney Failure

Summerville, SC (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Journey to Baby Walker after Kidney Failure

by Brittany Walker

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $35,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $30.00

    Funds Raised
  • 295

    Days to go
$30.00 raised of $35,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Summerville, SC (US)

Brittany Walker is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Brittany and I have been with my husband Joseph for 7 years. This year our word is UNCOMFORTABLE.  This is honestly the most uncomfortable topic that I have been willing to share, but awareness is greater than our comfort zone: We are 1 in 8 and our story is a book of complications.

With much adversity comes an even harder work ethic, something that both of us are no stranger to. In 2017, my husband was diagnosed with ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease aka Kidney Failure), a battle that we are still fighting. Some days are good and some days are really rough. It’s all a part of our journey. Since then, we have been leaning on each other for strength, encouragement and support. As for my health, PCOS with anovulatory cycles and Premature Ovarian Failure is the culprit. Actually, my doctors and specialists are battling back and forth on whether I have one or the other or something completely different. Needless to say it’s disheartening to not know for sure. If you have ever dealt with rupturing ovarian cysts, fibroids or heavy menstrual cycles that don’t stop without medicine or start without the same, I feel your pain my “Pearl Sisters”. Let those daily struggles be your daily reminder of just how strong you each are!

Why should you consider assisting us on this journey? I can’t answer that for you. I am a firm believer that your kindness finds the right people at the right time and you will know. You will feel it in your heart and your mind. Something about our journey will resonate with you and you will just know that you’re doing the right thing by helping. Helping is not only monetary, sharing our story is helping, sending words of encouragement is also helping.

We understand that there are others out there with our similar struggles, we pray for them just as hard as we pray for ourselves each night in the journey of becoming parents. It’s scary to think that you may not have something that you truly desire and sometimes it leads you to believe that you did something to bring it on yourself. I prefer to think more positively. One day our desire to become parents, despite all the challenges against us, will come true. We pray it comes true through the assistance of you.

We desire the gift of parenthood because we desire to raise and share the love that we have given to so many children. For over half my life now I have been a Godmother, a TeTe, and a bonus mom to 18 beautiful children. My oldest godchild is 19 years old and getting ready to have a child of her own! I have watched each of these beautiful children grow from the first time their mothers announced their pregnancy, to assisting with baby showers, to accepting the godmother role, to being born. Then from toddlers, to school age I have watched them grow from the sidelines, understanding that although I played a role in their lives, I was NOT their mother. When I was younger, it was easy because I wasn’t ready for the role of motherhood. Now, I’m married and I desire my own family. I desire a bouncing baby or two, with my eyes, my husband’s smile and dimple. A child that will grow to have my husband’s strength, drive, my entrepreneurial spirit and generosity. A child that we can raise to see the best in everything and everyone around them. A child that stands up for what they believe in and comes to the defense of others in their time of need.

Our first goal is achieving parenthood via IVF with my eggs and my husband’s sperm. If I am unable to carry our baby safely, as I am now considered to be high risk, our next option will be gestational surrogacy with adoption being our final option to give some deserving children a loving home.

Joseph and I thank you in advance for your generosity as even $1 gets us 1 step closer to our dream. Our fertility facility of choice is Coastal Fertility Specialists and you can learn more about them here:

If anyone you know is suffering from a similar battle, we are always willing to lend a listening ear. Just reach out!


Our Fertility Facility has changed and we are now with PREG Fertility Specialists and you can learn more about them here:

Name Donation Date
Winona Williams $20.00 March 12, 2023
Anonymous $10.00 February 18, 2023
Winona Williams commented with a $20 donation about 2 years ago
This will be one of the most rewarding parts of your journey together ❤️
Anonymous commented with a $10 donation about 2 years ago
The world definitely deserves more pure kindness and transparency like you have displayed. Good luck on your journey!